Seminar “Pecularities of the production of vegetables in 2014-years condition"

On the 4th of February the company SANIN participated in the seminar “Pecularities of the production of vegetables in 2014-years condition. Ceadîr-Lunga District", organized by the reprezantatives of ACSA agency. There were 34 managing directors of vegetable producer, ACSA consultants, and also the representatives of SANIN, Agrimatco and Agrodor Succes.


There were discussed actual themes for 2014 year, such as drought season, soil exhaustion and also were presented vegetable production perspectives, modern technologies. It is not difficult to find main idea of each speaker, although everyone had different themes, it is heavy crop, maximum profit from vegetable growing and effective usage of resources.     
The company SANIN presented its product slate: STANDART, STABIL, TRISAN, SUPERSTABIL films, film for mulching and service film.
Particularly important were that during the presentation of the products Vasilii Fedorovich Botnaru, Doctor in Science in Agriculture, highly appreciated the quality of SANIN films.
The company SANIN is proud of the quality of its films that gives an opportunity for each farmer to get such results as he expects. Each film is accompanied by an annotation, a passport and a seal «quality guaranteed»
We would like to express thanks to the organizers of the project ACSA for running such events.


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