Company SANIN successfully passed recertification ISO 9001:2008
The company SANINis among of thefirst companiesin Moldovathat have successfully passedthe international certificationin accordance with ISO9001: 2008.SANINis constantly improvingthe management system,to a greater extentbased oninternationally recognizedmanagement system standard. According tothe Head ofServiceQualityofSANIN,GelshteynTatiana,quality management system ISO9001:2008refers not tothe product but to controling of its quality. Quality management system providesconfidenceto companies customers, and also improvesthe activityof the enterprise. Implementation ofstandards ISO 9001,as noted bythe General Director ofSANIN,AlexanderBrestecicoprovidessignificant advantagesin the market andincreases the competitiveness ofenterprises. On January 14, 2012, the companySANINupdatedmanagement certificateISO 9001: 2008.