ProCredit Bank in cooperation with SANIN offers the best solution for the purchasing of films for agriculture.
Starting from March 1 films for agriculture (for greenhouses and films for mulching) can be purchased on credit at 7% per year in the MDL. This event become possible cause of cooperation SANIN and ProCredit Bank in the domain of agricultural enterprises. The amount of credit is between 10 000 to 150 000 MDL, which is provided for 1 year, without deposit.
The benefits of this project:
• convenient loan repayment schedule depending on the specifics and nature of the seasonality of your business;
• a minimum term of consideration of the application;
• the opportunity to take advantage of subventions from the state;
• a minimum set of documents.
Required Documents:
When making a loan to a natural or legal person:
The identity card (passport) Directors and founders;
Patent / Certificate of state registration of the enterprise;

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